Mechanical Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for January, 2022

How to Help Your Heater this Season

Monday, January 17th, 2022

Is your home feeling cozy and warm this winter? Or does it feel like it’s either too hot or too cold, but never quite right? If the latter is the case, your heater may need a little help. Don’t worry, these small changes can be quick and cost-effective. Here is a closer look at a few simple home remedies. Plus, our expert team will tell you when it’s time to call a professional HVAC company in Palm City, FL.

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Make That Call: Key Signs to Call Your Local Heating Repair Service

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

The winter months are coming and it’s time to start using your heater to its full capacity once again. But for the common homeowner out there, it may be time to do one more thing before all that: having your heating system repaired.

While many people put this off until the last minute, the last thing you want is for your heater to conk out when it reaches freezing temperatures. To make it easier for you, we’ve collated some of the most common signs that your heater will need a repair session soon.

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