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Serving the Treasure Coast


Serving the Treasure Coast


Leaky Air Ducts Can Cost Your Plenty!


When homeowners think about heating and cooling efficiency, they often focus on the air conditioner, heat pump, and furnace. However, one of the most critical components of your home’s comfort and efficiency is something less visible—the ductwork. If your air ducts have leaks, it can lead to significant energy loss, higher utility bills, and decreased comfort. 

We’ve seen firsthand how much leaky air ducts can affect a home, and we’re here to help you understand why this issue should never be ignored. We offer duct sealing in Palm Beach Gardens, FL to help solve this major problem.

The Hidden Problem

Air ducts are the network of pathways that distribute cooled or heated air throughout your home. When they develop leaks, it allows conditioned air to escape into spaces like attics, crawl spaces, or behind walls where it’s not needed. Because ducts are often hidden from view, you may not even realize you have a problem until the symptoms start showing—by then, you could already be paying for lost energy.

The US Department of Energy estimates that as much as 30% of the air moving through a duct system is lost due to leaks, holes, or poorly connected ducts. This kind of loss can mean hundreds of dollars added to your annual energy bill, not to mention the extra wear and tear on your HVAC system as it works harder to compensate for the lost air.

Signs You May Have Leaky Air Ducts

Because your air ducts are tucked away out of sight, identifying leaks isn’t as simple as spotting a loose pipe under the sink. However, several telltale signs can alert you to a potential duct problem:

  • Inconsistent temperatures
  • Higher utility bills
  • Poor airflow
  • Dust accumulation

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it’s time to take a closer look at your ductwork.

Air Duct Testing: Why You Need a Professional

Fixing duct leaks isn’t a DIY job, and it’s not something you want to leave unaddressed. The first step to resolving leaky ducts is through professional air duct testing. During air duct testing, professionals will pressurize your ducts and measure the amount of air loss. This allows us to pinpoint exactly where the leaks are occurring. 

The Solution: Professional Air Duct Sealing

Once leaks have been identified through testing, the next step is professional air duct sealing. This process involves sealing all gaps, holes, and cracks in the ducts to prevent further air loss. Depending on the situation, sealing may involve applying mastic (a specialized sealant for ductwork) or using advanced methods like aerosol-based sealants that can reach even the smallest leaks.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Leaky Ducts

It’s easy to overlook your ductwork, especially when your HVAC system seems to be running just fine. However, ignoring leaky ducts can have long-term consequences:

  • Increased energy costs
  • Strain on your HVAC system
  • Decreased comfort
  • Poor indoor air quality

Trust the Professionals at Mechanical Air Conditioning

We specialize in identifying and fixing ductwork issues. From comprehensive air duct testing to thorough air duct sealing, our experienced technicians will ensure your system runs as efficiently and effectively as possible. Leaky air ducts can cost you plenty, but with our help, you can avoid those extra costs and enjoy a more comfortable, energy-efficient home.

Contact the Mechanical Air Conditioning team for your central heating and air conditioning needs. Serving All of Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast. We put the CAN in Mechanical! 

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