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Mechanical Air Conditioning Blog

Watch Out for These Signs of AC Trouble

Spring has sprung! You’re getting all your Easter candy in order, planning out your Mother’s Day gift, and spending more time outdoors in the sunlight. It’s a wonderful time of year to get a fresh start hence spring cleaning, but what about work that’s a little more intense than just cleaning?

What we’re referring to here is air conditioning repairs in Wellington, FL. You can be honest with us: did you struggle with your home’s air conditioning last summer? It’s common to have left your home in a state of disrepair after a long air conditioning season. We get it, but now is the time to handle these issues. Our technicians can take care of everything for you.

Potential Problems

Let’s start by jogging your memory. What was your home’s air conditioning like at the end of last summer? Were you sweaty and sticky or perfectly cooled in your home? If you can’t say that you were, then you might have experienced the following problems:

Short Cycling

Have you noticed that your home’s air conditioner starts, stops, and then starts up again shortly after? This is a bad sign. You don’t want to settle for service like this. Short cycling might not be something that seems to affect you right now, but it really is a problem. We’re here to help you figure out what the cause of your short cycling is and how you can fix it.

High Energy Bills

What are your energy bills like these days? If you’ve noticed that your energy bills are super high although you haven’t changed much about how you run your air conditioner, then this is a problem. High energy bills are a bad sign. They denote efficiency issues. You don’t want to fall into the trap of an efficiency problem. Instead, you should schedule an appointment with us.

Low Output

Have you noticed that your home’s heater takes more effort to run? You have to stay on top of the thermostat and you’re not as comfortable as you’d like to be. This is a sign of low output.

Poor IAQ

Are you noticing that your home is incredibly dusty and hard to inhabit? You’re coughing constantly, wheezing, and even sniffling sometimes. These are bad signs. It’s a clear sign that you’re having issues with your home’s indoor air quality. Your HVAC systems and your indoor air quality go together. When you neglect one you neglect the other. This is why it’s a great idea to have indoor air quality systems in place.

Odd Noises and/or Foul Smells

Your air conditioner is an old dog that actually shouldn’t learn any new tricks. If you notice new, odd things going on with your air conditioner, you should take the time to note them. Notice things like the frequency, the volume or type of sound, the particular odor, and when it occurs. Once you get a grasp on what’s going on and realize that it’s a pattern, you should schedule an appointment with our team.

If you noticed that you had these problems in your home, then you should take the time to fix them now. Spring air conditioning repairs make way for a cool, efficient, repair-free summer.

Contact Mechanical Air Conditioning today for your air conditioning needs. Your Trusted Choice in A/C Repair.

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